Stavros Niarchos Park 2023
The Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center is a meeting point for people, ideas and cultures. People of all ages, of every race, free from discriminations, gather in all of its spaces, with no restrictions, on any occasion of their life, in smaller or larger groups, at times to attend the events offered at the SNFCC all year round. At Christmastime, the Cultural Center puts on its festive gear and every nook and cranny of its premises is lit up to welcome and embrace this meeting of people, this coming together, its public, on a great festive occasion: Gatherings.
This year, the SNFCC’s Christmas World is presenting impressive public artworks by Vendel & de Wolf, Tom & Lien Dekyvere, and VOUW (Justus Bruns and Mingus Vogel) from the Light Art Collection (Netherlands); by Jonas Vorwerk from WIREFRAME Public Art Agency (Canada); and by Petros Dermatas – luminous dreams from Greece, inviting the audience to join in the magical experience they create.
Light Installations Festival at the Stavros Niarchos Park
Luminous, airy shapes and grids and sparkling compositions make up a choreography of light, provoking interaction with the viewer, while at the same time enhancing, through the embodied experience, the interaction of visitors with public space and the dynamics of human coexistence within it.