Double Take 2012

Double Take 2012

Date: 17/05/2012
Location: Rotterdam (NL)
Artwork: Lightbox sequencer 2

– Birgit Bachler
– Walter Langelaar
– Olivier Otten
– Jonas Vorwerk
– Leonie Urff

In Double Take these artists paraphrase analogue forms of media with a digital at- titude in order to provoke surprising experiences. Some of them let the analogue and digital forms merge where others let them meet in the unknown.

The exhibition is designed by Bowie Barbiers, Daphne Rijkoort, and Nikki Spil, second year Spatial Design students.

Together with BLAAK10 they would like to invite you to take another look at some
of Willem de Kooning’s most talented alumni.

The Dutch Electronic Art Festival 2012 | The Power of Things , May 17- June 3.
For more information

This artwork was exhibited at the following events