

Year: 2025
Specifications: In development

Currently in production phase

Xylophone is a large-scale, public playable, audio-visual work. Numerous illuminated pillars with build in sensors for interaction with the public. The work invites the public to actively participate. 

The Xylophone is often used by music educators to assist in musical development. In the work of Jonas this is also the case, the public can play but also master the vibrations of the musical tones play. Play alone of in a group creating shared experiences.

Creating shared experiences using music elements combined with interaction and todays techniques are the key foundations in most of my works. An aesthetic and audio-visual work which pleases at first glance, but when taken a closer look the visitors are emerged in the audio-visual experience.

Xylophone will use synthesised audio elements, this gives us the opportunity to make the experience more alive and catching up with todays experimental music culture.

Technical concept

Building on a foundation of technical principles utilised in a previously developed artworks like Harp and Lightholders the interactive elements of Xylophone are refined and reimagined for a new experience. 

The work is modular so more elements are possible.

Concept visualizations v1

Concept visualizations v2